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Physical education reflection essay

Physical education reflection essay

physical education reflection essay

Physical Education Essay. “Looking at these papers the teacher can see the results of the pupil and with this to judge what is the extent of his/her development and where and what help is needed” (Peneva & Karapatrova, , p. ). This makes monitoring progress easy for the student, teacher and parent Reflective Essay On Physical Education. Words7 Pages. For my practicum, I had the opportunity to attend Gray Academy School and observe a number of different physical education classes most often grade six classes, where children with varying degrees of cognitive disabilities were mainstreamed into the regular physical education class. Through my practicum, a few trends became apparent to Physical Education Reflection My Reflection Of Teaching: My Philosophy Of Physical Education. I plan on being a great motivator to my students and The Importance Of Competence In Physical Education. Introduction As students advance through primary and secondary Athletics For A

Reflective Essay On Health And Physical Education | Bartleby

Please join StudyMode to read the full document. Agonist — is the muscle, which is the prime mover and creates the initial movements via contraction e.

the bicep is the antagonist muscle, when you pull your arm towards you bending at the elbow. Antagonist — is the muscle, which relaxes to allow the movement to occur e. the triceps will relax to allow your arm the bend at the elbow. Flexion physical education reflection essay decreasing the angle between two joints e. bending at the elbow or bending at the knee.

Flexion also occurs at other joints like the shoulder or hip where there may not physical education reflection essay any obvious bend in the joint.

Physical education reflection essay — increasing the angle between two joints e. straightening the elbow or knee. Extension cans also occur at the shoulder or hip joints. Adduction — side ways movement of a limb towards or across the centerline of the body. Abduction — side ways movement of a limb away from the body. Rotation — Turning movement around an imaginary line like a wheel turning on its axis or a person doing a somersault.

Circumduction — in circumduction the end of a bone moves in a circle an example of this is bowler in cricket. Movement Agonist prime mover Antagonist relaxed Wrist Flexion Flexor Digitorum Extensor Digitorum Elbow Flexion Biceps Triceps Elbow Extension Triceps Biceps Shoulder Flexion Anterior Deltoid Pectoralis Major, physical education reflection essay, Biceps Ivy Claire V. Teaching Aids used Strengths Weaknesses Comments on Physical education reflection essay of the Teaching Aids used Chalk board Handouts Books White board Used as a medium for verbal physical education reflection essay It is economical and reusable Aid learning and increase attention and motivation and help students to follow the development of idea.

Could be react for instruction, recreation or entertainment Easier to hold and does not generate dust It does not provide a permanent record This is a role of no confidence in students note taking, some of them may feel cheated because they took notes unnecessarily, physical education reflection essay.

Dependent about the ideas that is written in the book The white board background can cause problems to those with vision impairment The chalk board is often neglected and it does not get the proper care it deserves.

In humans it is the ability of individuals or communities to adapt and self-manage when facing physicalmental or social challenges. MENTAL HEALTH Mental health is a level of psychological well-being, physical education reflection essay, or an absence of a mental disorder;[1] it is the "psychological state of someone who is functioning at a satisfactory level of emotional and behavioral adjustment".

However, cultural differences, subjective assessments, and competing professional theories all affect how "mental This is why it is beneficial that both schools and families encourage physical education to children. Physical activity brings many health benefits for young children, these include: strengthening bones and muscles, improve gross and fine motor skills, helps to maintain a healthy body weight and provides the child with more energy Landy, Burridge, These main health benefits along with other valuable health benefits will be discussed in great detail throughout this essay in relation to the benefits of physical education for young children.

Strengthening muscles and bones should be looked at as soon as the child reaches 6 months of age. It is crucial for a child to strengthen their muscles and bones as this will help them during physical activity and also in their everyday life.

Strong bones and muscles prevent the child from being injured easily, physical education reflection essay. Dense bones are essential to good posture, strength and balance Gilbert, n. The quality of a child bones and Volleyball Skills Introduction I will be doing the skills called digging, setting and spiking, physical education reflection essay.

The phase I believe I am in is cognitive level as I can do the beginner skills at physical education reflection essay level. The factors affecting my performance would be my ankle and knee; I had surgery on my ankle last year and my knee has only recently started to physical education reflection essay up. Physical education Book. The implications on my learning are that my friends can be distracting and I am a hand on learner. The evidence that I am bad at volleyball is obvious when I play with other people more experienced.

There is a net in the middle of the court dividing both teams, physical education reflection essay. Volleyball has been a part of the Olympic Games since and is known around the globe.

The way you earn a point is by using teamwork to hit the ball over the net without it hitting the ground on your side of the net, there are many other rules to this game such as: 1. You cannot catch the ball 2.

If the same player hits the ball twice that is a point to the other team 3. If your team hits the ball more than three times it is a penalty against your team. These are just an example of the rules there are many more What is Physical Education?

Physical education should be regarded as a vital and dynamic aspect of every educational program. Physical education is education through human movement. It is the aspect physical education reflection essay education that contributes to the total growth and development of the child mostly through selected movement and physical activities. It also enhances academic learning, helps meet the overall elementary school mission, employs authentic assessment strategies, treats students with dignity and respect and applies instructional and motivational techniques Pettifor 1.

Physical education prepares students to live physically active, healthy lives through learning experiences at school. These learning experiences must include appropriate motor skills, healthy-related fitness, knowledge of health-related fitness, confidence in being active, and also an appreciation of the benefits of physical activity.

Physical education helps develop the whole child, including the child's cognitive development, physical development, social development and also helps develop psychomotor physical education reflection essay. According to the Ontario Health and Physical Education Curriculum; Grades resouce, there are three strands of physical meaning of Physical Education. History of Physical Education The Spartans and Athenians were the first to have a type of physical education.

Though very different, physical education reflection essay, both systems served the people and supplied their needs. The Spartan system was similar to dictatorship, a form of government. At the age of seven, physical education reflection essay, boys were taken to learn basic military skills while living in barracks.

When they reached the age of fourteen, they began learning physical education reflection essay fighting tactics which would allow them to succeed while in the military from the ages of twenty to thirty.

Once thirty, the men could then marry a women who had been doing some training of her own in order to make strong babies. The philosophy of the Spartans was basically to allow them to invade other countries if desired, and to prevent other countries from invading them. The philosophy of the Athenians was quite different compared to the Spartans. The Athenian culture was very democratic, and focused on training of the mind and body.

Reading and writing was a large part of society as well as physical activity which took place in the center of the city where the gymnasium was located, physical education reflection essay. The physical education philosophy of the Athenians was the high point of physical education for many years.

Some other cycles in physical education that Physical education often abbreviated Phys. Objectives of Physical education reflection essay. The acquisitron of physical skills can motivate an individual to participate, further in physical activities hence his growth and development will be enhance. example of traits are: self confidence, self control, self- reliance, courage, determination. Sign Up.

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Why is physical education a student’s most important subject? - William Simon, Jr. - TEDxUCLA

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physical education reflection essay

Physical Education Essay. “Looking at these papers the teacher can see the results of the pupil and with this to judge what is the extent of his/her development and where and what help is needed” (Peneva & Karapatrova, , p. ). This makes monitoring progress easy for the student, teacher and parent Physical Education can indeed teach people about nutrition to keep there body image the way they would like it as well as keep people healthy. Also physical education helps to get youngsters involved in today's sports to keep them healthy and away from the obesity factors Reflective Essay On Physical Education. Words5 Pages. Education plays a huge role in our society. It is important to realize that education plays an important role in the way kids and teenagers think and act. Kids and teenagers, even college students are the future leaders of our country therefore, it is important to help educate students and get them ready for adulthood

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