Penn State supplemental essay objective is to identify your academic goals and ambitions. If a student does not provide any significant ambition or objective the application loses a lot of points. If a student does not provide any significant ambition or objective the application loses a lot of points How to Write the UPenn Supplemental Essays · UPenn Supplemental Essay Example: Prompt #2. At Penn, learning and growth happen outside of the classrooms, too. How will you explore the community at Penn? Consider how this community will help shape your perspective and identity, and how your identity and perspective will help shape this community. ( words)
How To Write The Penn State Supplemental Essay - Penning Papers
Pennsylvania State University, better known as Penn Stateis a public, land-grant university, with its flagship campus in University Park, Pennsylvania. Penn State has an additional 19 campuses across the state of Pennsylvania. University Park offers a traditional, idyllic college town campus, and is home to 40, undergraduates. Penn State accepts the Common Application, the Coalition Application, and also offers their own admissions platform, MyPennState. Penn State requires two word supplemental essays for all applicants.
Additional prompts are required for applicants to the following specialized programs at Penn State: B. Students applying to the B. Students applying to the Theater Studies program must write a page research essay on a significant theatre artist of the 19th or 20th century.
An additional prompt with a word limit asks you to describe your biggest commitment. Please use this space to list or discuss your activities other than academic work during the last several years for example: school organizations, jobs, athletics, the arts, community service, religious groups, or other individual interests.
Instead, strive to give life to your activities, or discuss something that you could not fit into the activities section. Instead, focus on high-quality, meaningful elaborations of your activities.
So, how can you go about doing this? One strategy for this prompt is to use a theme or thesis to unify a discussion of concrete experiences. For example, a theme of helping others realize their dreams could unify an essay where you discuss your role as team captain, your involvement in a service organization, and your internship at a hospital.
This theme does not need to be explicitly stated as a topic sentence. It can be woven through the essay in more subtle ways—for example, in the analysis, you could offer how each experience has shaped you.
The approach that you pick should be dictated by the experiences that are most meaningful to you. If you think a few of your activities work together to paint a picture of who you are, penn state supplemental essay examples, go with the first strategy. Give concrete examples of what makes these activities meaningful. If you choose to discuss your after-school job as a receptionist at a dental clinic, describe a day in the office in detail. Remember that the most effective versions of this essay will bring your on-paper activities—and you—to life for the admissions committee.
Please tell us something about yourself, your experiences, or activities that you believe would reflect positively on your ability to succeed at Penn State. This is your opportunity to tell us something about yourself that is not already reflected in your application or academic records.
Response required in about words. This prompt makes that purpose really explicit—but it also is challengingly open-ended. A strong response will contain three elements: 1 a reflection on your experiences to demonstrate 2 a specific quality or trait that you think 3 will set you up for success in college. As you brainstorm, it might be helpful to start penn state supplemental essay examples 2 and 3the penn state supplemental essay examples conceptual elements of your response.
Ask yourself: What do I need to succeed in college? What are my strengths? Keep in mind that college is multifaceted; it requires a wide range of different tools. A wide variety of traits can enable you to succeed in college: resilience, resourcefulness, interpersonal skills, openness to change, time management skills, empathy, rational thinking skills… you get the idea! Again, the admissions committee really wants to learn about you and about the tools you bring to the table to succeed in college.
Almost any poor topic can be strengthened if you make it more specific:. Then, you can discuss how, penn state supplemental essay examples, at any college, but especially a big school like Penn State, forming a social network is crucial for academics study groups, peers to help with homework, collaborators for group projects, etc and for making the most of your college experience. Avoid focusing on an experience that virtually all applicants will share.
However, you could write about an illness you faced that jeopardized your ability to succeed in school. Through detailed storytelling, you could show the reader that you penn state supplemental essay examples time management skills and perseverance, which you know are absolutely crucial for college success. Great responses to this prompt can be quite personal since more formal academic and extracurricular activities might already be covered in your application.
Regardless of which thing about you, experience, or activity you pick, be absolutely sure to avoid generalizing. Many students write a —or even word—essay that never uses specific examples. While these essays might sound smooth, they are almost entirely composed of clichés and generalizations.
An example might help here. Note that these sentences do not refer to a specific instance or give concrete examples. They give a general description of one activity and then make generic, high-level assertions about the results of that activity, penn state supplemental essay examples. This essay should be focused and cohesive, telling a story that proves you can succeed in college. Why do you want to be an actor? Such an open-ended prompt poses innate challenges: Where to begin?
How to structure your answer? How long should it be? As a rule of thumb, college applications essays are read incredibly quickly, with just a few minutes allotted to each essay. This means that, with an unspecified length essay, the longer your essay is, the less time each paragraph is likely to get. However, if your essay is shorter than words you might want to consider adding a few more details.
The best responses to this prompt will tell a story about your love for acting. This story will penn state supplemental essay examples engaging and believable and will convince the reader that you are certain that you want to be an actor.
This certainty is crucial because an acting degree is highly specialized; it opens up a lot of options, but it also means that you are choosing acting training over more a general professional or academic education. The place to start ideation of this story is, of course, inside your own head and heart, penn state supplemental essay examples.
Try to unearth your deepest motivations by considering questions like: What do you love about acting? Is there a certain rehearsal, production, or other experience that helped you find this love? When or how did you find your inspiration? Is there someone you look up to, whose creative path you want to follow? These questions are designed to get you to think of narrative answers. However, you might not find that a simple, neat narrative emerges. The first and most important strategy discussed here is a very general one.
A more specific narrative approach is to try and link theater to a broader explanation of what is meaningful to you. This can be accomplished by penn state supplemental essay examples parallels between on-stage experiences and broader life experiences.
Another narrative approach might be to focus on the history of the acting profession or on a historic actor that means a lot to you. This sort of approach could go something like this:.
In such a personal essay, there is really no limit to the narrative strategies that might work. Select one significant theatre artist of the 19th or 20 century playwright, actor, director, choreographer, etc. Write a well-researched minimum 5 sources, only 2 of which can be on-line document describing the contribution s of your chosen artist to the world and to the world of the theatre. Please be aware that grammar, spelling, and punctuation are important.
Your paper should include citations of your sources for all quoted or paraphrased material. Please use the MLA citation method. Your introduction should include penn state supplemental essay examples explanation of why you chose this artist to research. This prompt is designed to assess whether you have the interdisciplinary academic writing and research skills necessary for the program. You can tell from the precise source and citation instructions—and the reminder about grammar—that the admissions committee wants to use this essay to test your scholarship ability, penn state supplemental essay examples.
The artist you choose is not as important as what you do with that choice in your essay. Instead, go for an artist that 1 you can find ample sources on, 2 whose story you feel you can fit into pages, and 3 who genuinely interests you.
If you are passionate about studying early drafts of scripts, then it would be most logical for you to write on a playwright. If your interest is in actors and their methods, then you should consider writing on an actor.
The simplest way to think about a contribution, for the purposes of this prompt, is to focus on ways that your artist innovated, challenged or changed norms, or penn state supplemental essay examples an ongoing effort.
This could mean discussing how your artist acted as a trailblazer for certain identities, introduced new artistic techniques, or supported the rise of a project or theater company. You might also wonder: Should I focus more on contributions to theater, or contributions to the world?
Thoughtful practice. Show the reader that you understand that artists are also citizens and that you understand the impact of theater on the world. Furthermore, penn state supplemental essay examples, the strongest essays will discuss contributions to both.
A contribution to theater can, penn state supplemental essay examples, often, be a contribution to the world. For example, if your artist wrote plays that popularized political satire in theater, this could be a twofold contribution: first, it expands the genres that playwrights can explore; second, it plays a broader role in making space for artists to engage politically.
If you already know a lot about your subject, you probably can skip this penn state supplemental essay examples. More importantly, you should not use Wikipedia or similar resources as one of your five sources.
This phase of research is just intended to help you get started. You should approach this project in the same way as you would approach any research paper for school, penn state supplemental essay examples.
Consider grouping your research findings into two categories, as dictated by the prompt: contributions to the wider world and contributions to theater. Start with a search for scholarly or biographical articles. Remember that only two of your sources can be online! As you conduct your research, be meticulous in your attribution of sources and accuracy.
All the usual rules apply, but the stakes here are higher if you make a mistake, because accidental plagiarism or sloppy management of sources will almost penn state supplemental essay examples doom your application. If you are quoting something, make sure you use quotation marks.
Supplemental Essays To Get You Into College (CRUSH IT WITH THIS FORMULA!!)
, time: 3:46How to Write a Penn State Essay in 3 Steps

· UPenn Essay Example 1 (Penn Supplement) Discuss your interest in combining management and technology. How might Penn’s coordinated dual-degree program in business and engineering help you to meet your goals? How to Write the UPenn Supplemental Essays Penn State supplemental essay objective is to identify your academic goals and ambitions. If a student does not provide any significant ambition or objective the application loses a lot of points. If a student does not provide any significant ambition or objective the application loses a lot of points
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