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Peer pressure research paper

Peer pressure research paper

peer pressure research paper

Peer Pressure Research Paper. Words19 Pages. Your peers are the people with whom you identify and spend time. In children and teens, they are usually, but not always, of the same age group. In adults, peers may be determined less by age and more by shared interests or professions. Peer pressure occurs when an individual experiences implied or expressed persuasion to adopt similar values, beliefs, and goals, or to participate in the same activities as those in the peer Positive peer pressure, is when group members or individuals are able to persuade others around them to do things that have positive outcomes (such as participating in service projects, striving to get good grades, or refraining from littering). The pressure to strive and achieve a meaningful goal is always good Research Paper on Peer Pressure among Teenagers Defining Peer Pressure. Making good friends is very essential, but at times, attempting to fit into a certain group can Causes of Peer Pressure. One greatest fear that most of the parents often face is the risk of their children being Types of

Positive Peer Pressure, Research Paper Example |

Peer pressure becomes inevitable for many adolescents and are caught between making a bad decision for the wrong reasons or making a right decision in order to aid in their success. Peer pressure can lead adolescents to engage in either risk-taking such as substance use or positive behavior. Researchers have done many experiments as to how peer pressure affects adolescents on both the positive and negative side.

Therefore, I am going to review the literature regarding peer pressure in adolescents, its positive and negative effects, the external factors that aid in peer pressure, and how to limit the negative aspect of peer pressure; I believe peer pressure is a difficult challenge faced by many that can lead to both positive and negative aspects peer pressure research paper on the circumstances.

Basics The idea of peer pressure is known by many; however, the basics around peer pressure in adolescents is not always clear, peer pressure research paper. Therefore, friend groups start to form when one begins school and starts becoming more aware of the social standards being displayed by friend groups that they are a part of.

It is difficult to be seperated from a group that one would like to be a part of; therefore, adolescents usually conform to the ideas that the group portrays and exhibits. For example, when I was in middle school I had a friend group that consisted of my best friend and a few other girls. My best friend had been my best friend since kindergarten. However, as we entered the eighth grade she began to want to be a part of the popular group, peer pressure research paper.

She changed the way she dressed and distanced herself peer pressure research paper me. Soon, she was accepted into the group and left me in the dust. As I watched from afar I could see the peer pressure that was being placed upon her. Another instance was when the group of girls went to Six Flags and she went to, but she had never liked roller coasters.

She followed the expectations of the group in order to feel accepted. Peer pressure brought upon adolescents can be difficult when being presented with it, but it depends on whether the pressure is being portrayed as negative or positive.

Positive Peer Pressure Groups On the other hand, positive peer pressure helps aid in a variety of aspects when present, specifically in academic performance and communication skills.

Academic performance has has been shown to improve because of positive pressure from peer groups. Positive peer pressure helps peer pressure research paper in the push for adolescents to do good rather than bad. The pressure to belong to a peer group and feel accepted and included creates a tendency to be like other members of the group. Therefore, when the group has good grades the individual feels positive pressure to be like the others Das,p.

If an individual in the group is not doing as well academically they feel as though they are not part of the friend group as much, so they begin to be pressured to work harder in order to be and feel more connected to the group. Positive peer pressure in positive peer pressure groups makes the individual want to be more like others in the group as seen with academic performance. Therefore, positive peer pressure also influences communication skills in adolescents. It is safe to assume that positive peer pressure can peer pressure research paper an individual to do anything that makes them feel as if they are one with group, whether it be by increasing academic performance, communication skills, or any other positive or enhanced skill.

Simply, risk-taking behavior is an umbrella term for many different actions that one can execute that can have the potential to cause harm to an individual.

The more the adolescent peer pressure research paper involved with their peers, peer pressure research paper, the more likely they are to participate in risky behavior due to the pressure of so many peers. From personal experience, I have witnessed peer pressure utilized in order for a person to engage in risky behavior by their fellow friends. There was a party that had quite a few people there and there was alcohol present at the party since there were no parents or guardians home.

As I was sitting on the couch, I could see the hosts of the party trying to have one of their friends have a peer pressure research paper. This person never drank but gave into the peer pressure because he did not want to be the odd one out or be made fun of by his own friends.

He engaged in risky behavior although he never intended to, peer pressure research paper. The idea of not being made fun of was more enticing and desirable rather than the potential consequences of the risky behavior he participated in.

As we have witnessed from other research and from real life, the pressure to engage in misconduct leads to more risk-taking behavior. Such control from peer pressure peer pressure research paper has a great influence on the risky behavior exhibited by individuals whether the peer pressure is minor or major. Active and Passive Peer Discouragement in Risk-taking Active peer discouragement refers to modeling while passive discouragement is utilized as pressure.

The study found that active and passive peer discouragement in cohesion create different results when compared to each on their own. Active [modeling] and passive [pressure] simultaneously create a decrease in risk-taking. Boer and Harakeh performed a study to measure active and passive peer discouragement on risk-taking in adolescents with an e-confederate. The e-confederate in the experiment would be equivalent to an online stranger in the real world. However, active and passive peer pressure research paper discouragement separately concluded different results.

Simply, peer pressure research paper, the discourager needs to put his or her words into action. It is easier to discourage when the person telling you to stop also abstains from that risk. Communities Although peer pressure is a strong variable, external factors aid in the magnitude of peer pressure in adolescents as well, peer pressure research paper.

Communities serve as a negative contribution to substance abuse; particularly, in adolescents. A study indicated that individual and peer risk aggregated together with protective factors at the community level predict the substance use of adolescents Monahan, et al. Although there were some protective factors, the risks from the community are more influential leading to substance use by adolescents.

While communities can be a strong external variable, prevention efforts can be implemented to decrease risks in communities, peer pressure research paper. According to Monahan, et al. Intervention in a community designed to reduce risk factors and increase protective factors in the adolescent population is of great value Monahan, et al.

When there is an peer pressure research paper in protective factors the community declines in its unknown aid in the use of substance abuse in adolescents. Gender and Peer Pressure When peer pressure is presented to peer pressure research paper and females there is a difference in their perception.

Male adolescents perceive more peer pressure than female peer pressure research paper Sunita, et al. From my own observations, I do see males being more susceptible to peer pressure because of the stigma that they must not be afraid of anything. Location in unison with gender also make a difference in adolescent peer pressure.

The study by Sunita, et al. On the other hand, urban females identify more peer pressure than rural females p. There is an inverse peer pressure research paper between males and females regarding location and gender. However, generally an adolescent from urban areas is also more influenced than rural adolescents by peer pressure Sunita, et al.

Family Climate and Peer Pressure Family climate is also a variable that influences peer pressure. Family climate affects many components of life and their outcomes.

Specifically, a positive family climate has an inverse relationship with peer pressure Pushpa, peer pressure research paper, et al. As established, peer pressure creates more opportunity for risky behavior, peer pressure research paper. In this chain reaction, family climate is also a part and factor in influencing risky behavior due to peer pressure. Other factors also contribute to adolescent risk-taking behaviors. Some of these risk-taking behaviors are dependent upon different factors like family size, socioeconomic status, peer pressure research paper, quality of family interaction, and parenting styles Pushpa, et al.

When these factors are poor or negative, it creates a greater opportunity for an increase in peer pressure due to the low family climate. Thus, peer pressure research paper, leading to risk taking behaviors exhibited by adolescents, peer pressure research paper. Peer Pressure and Leisure Boredom Adolescent peer pressure and leisure boredom have different effects when separate or together regarding their effect on substance use.

An adolescent with negative peer influence together with feeling leisure boredom can possibly impact substance use further Hendricks, peer pressure research paper, et al. When there are fewer leisure activities available adolescents spend more time with their peers, which usually results in deviant or risky behavior like substance abuse Hendricks, et al.

However, the results are different when peer pressure and leisure boredom are separate when it comes to substance use. According to Hendricks, et al. Hendricks, et al.

Adolescent leisure effects on substance abuse also have different outcomes. Leisure boredom on its own did not depict a significant predator for substance abuse Hendricks, et al. Peer pressure does not only affect those who are not disabled, it affects all parts of the spectrum. In the study, an intervention was used to aid disabled adolescents because it is harder for them to make rational and correct decisions when faced with pressure.

Adolescents with disabilities in the intervention group were seen to have a significantly more effective decision-making active responses in response to negative peer pressure Khemka et al. The intervention was more likely to help disabled adolescents immediately and directly resist the naive peer pressure placed upon them Khemka et al.

Peer Pressure and School Adolescents are most susceptible to peer pressure peer pressure research paper present at school. Many of them do not resist peer pressure for a variety of reasons; however, there are strategies to prevent peer pressure in school. Teenagers are aware to some extent on how to resist peer pressure; however, this does not always guarantee that they will stray away from it Rukundo,p.

Adolescents find it difficult to think rationally about engaging in risky behavior because peer beliefs, values, and experiences can be adopted for themselves Rukundo,p.

There are various strategies to resist the pressure of fellow peers when in school. The first strategy is to not spend time with people that the students do not know Rukundo,p.

Anticipating the expectations of your group allows an individual to see the risk they may have to take in a certain group in order to feel accepted in that particular peer group Rukundo,p, peer pressure research paper. Lastly, seeking guidance from parents and teachers about potential peer pressure can protect someone from engaging in risky behavior Rukundo,p. The present research has led to many different conclusions about peer pressure and various factors.

Peer pressure is evident in numerous adolescents lives and can cause both positive and negative effects on an individual. There are strong external factors that influence peer pressure such as communities, leisure boredom, and school. Risky behavior, substance abuse, is often exhibited by adolescents when peer pressure is presented in their lives by many of the external factors presented.

There are various strategies to help decrease peer pressure in adolescents and adolescents with disabilities. The topic of peer pressure can further be explored by conducting studies that include many of these factors at onc in order to represent the real world more accurately. Peer pressure is a difficult hurdle to jump over and ignore, but fitting in is not as important as it seems. We will send an essay sample to you in 2 Hours.

If you need help faster you can always use our custom writing service, peer pressure research paper. Topics: AdolescenceBehaviorDisabilityNeurosciencePeer pressureRiskSocial PsychologySubstance Abuse. Category: Culture.

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Peer Pressure Research Paper - Words | Bartleby

peer pressure research paper

Peer Pressure and Leisure Boredom Adolescent peer pressure and leisure boredom have different effects when separate or together regarding their effect on substance use. An adolescent with negative peer influence together with feeling leisure boredom can possibly impact substance use further (Hendricks, et al., , p. ) Abstract The paper is about self-esteem in children and young adults which occur as a result of peer pressure among other factors. The focus has however been put on peer pressure as an agent of self-esteem problem in this group of individuals. In the introduction, attention is concentrated on how these two things are always [ ] Peer pressure among the youth is inevitable in educational and social settings. The role of parents and teachers is to create an awareness about positive and negative peer pressure and developing

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