Example for Mini Research CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. Background of the Research. Language learning is important for human’s social development. As a language which is used by more than a half of population in the world, English holds the key as international language. Each student was given peaces of paper, which contained the Mini Research Paper Outline Example - General Structure I Introduction A Anecdote importance of the topic or historical background information (Pick one | Course Hero Mini Research Paper Outline Example - General Structure I School University of Cincinnati Course Title ENGLSIH ESL Writing a research paper outline for your mini research paper can give a good direction to the students in writing a research paper. But many students do not have the exact idea about the format of the research paper and that is why they fail to write a good outline during mini research paper submission
Editan ngeyel: Example for Mini Research
Minggu, Juli 24, Example for Mini Research. CHAPTER I. As a language which is used by more than a half of population in the world, English holds the key as international language. English is a tool of communication among peoples of the world to get trade, social-cultural, mini research paper example, science, and technology goals.
Moreover, English competence is important in career development, therefore students need to understand and use English to improve their confidence to face global competition, mini research paper example. The fact shows that the result of teaching learning English is still low.
The students have learned English from the first-grade of junior high school until senior high school, but most of them still cannot use English as tool of communication.
Zamroni in Somantri found that it not only happened to the students who have score below five, but the students who have score over eight in junior high school can not use English in real communication in their level. Besides, their receptive skills are also below the expectation. For example, the students who have graduated from senior high school, they still find difficulty in reading English literatures Balitbang Depdiknas, These failures are influenced by many factors.
According to Zamroni in Somantriit happens because of the education system at school just transfer the dead knowledge where the knowledge is separated from the application. Teachers teach materials that will be tested. The goal is that the students get good score in the final test.
While Ali in Ant-O2 argues that the low of the students quality in teaching and learning English happens because the students are used to memorizing and doing multiple choice assignment. Both of arguments above show that the process of teaching and learning English is not so support the improvement of life skills. Students can get good score in the final test and they can memorize the theory well but they cannot use English in real communication. Assessment is one mini research paper example important thing that has important role in education.
The importance of assessment in education is stated by Hughes who says that the proper relationship between teaching and assessment is partnership.
By assessment process teacher can discover how far students have achieved the objectives of a course of study. Teacher also can use the result of assessment to analyze which material that should be explained again and which instruments that should be repaired. Besides, assessment is useful for the students to motivate in teaching learning process. Based on the earlier observation, researcher finds that most of teachers still use traditional assessment.
The students are given some tasks in the form of multiple choice, do the LKS, practice a dialog in textbook and another task, which make the students as a passive subject.
Traditional assessment includes multiple-choice questions and asking students to respond questions with short answers. Many kinds of task are given in order the students can respond the questions with correct answers in the final test. The product of learning is more emphasized then the process it self. Teacher gives quizzes and tests to assess cognitive aspect only.
These indicators are put on the list and documented in a file. From the collection, teacher assesses skill of the students. Teacher turns the students to see their ability in learning by using portfolio and turns the students to be careful in doing the work, pay attention to the error in their work and correct the error. The problems of this research are:. Based on the research questions above, the main purposes of this research are to find out the following:.
The result of this research might be significant for education field, in the form of giving information to the teachers and the students about how portfolio is implemented at school especially at SMP N 2 Jamblang. Furthermore, it might be able to help the teachers and the mini research paper example understand benefits and weakness of using portfolio assessment.
It also can be a reference for further research, mini research paper example, especially a research about portfolio assessment. This research is limited to the following problems:. Traditionally, assessment is held at the end of teaching-learning process. Its purpose is to know whether the students have understood the subject that is learned or not. Certain grade is used to decide the understanding degree of the students to the subject. If the students get a good grade at the test, it means that they passed.
This notion is the traditional notion of assessment Budimansyah, From those notions of assessment, it is clear that traditional purpose of teaching and learning process is in order the students can respond the questions with correct answers.
This is seldom requiring students to apply what they know and can do in real-life situations. It encourages instruction of less important skills and passive learning. Table 2. Traditional Assessment, mini research paper example. One-shot, standardized exams. Timed, multiple-choice format. Scores suffice for feedback. Norm-referenced scores. Non-interactive performance.
Continuous long-term assessment. Untimed, free-response format, mini research paper example. Individualized feedback, mini research paper example. Criterion-referenced scores. Open-ended, creative answers. Interactive performance. Although alternative forms of assessment are currently popular, traditional assessment should not necessary be eliminated by other type of assessment because it do have strength over other forms of assessment.
The weakness of traditional assessment are described by Applebee in Luitel, that the traditional notion of assessment cannot assess mini research paper example student learning process realistically because it views the assessment as the notion of knowledge-out-of-action. It tends to prompt the students to overcome with basic skills only. Although mini research paper example skills may be important goals of education, they are often over-emphasized in an effort to raise test scores.
There are many theorists who give definition about portfolio. According to Yasinmini research paper example, in the beginning, portfolio is only collection of task, learning experience, exhibition, and assessment of own work result in art areas, mini research paper example.
From the collection, teacher assesses painting skill of the students. So that assessment result is not only from final test. Format of the assessment in portfolio for English subject that is used by the teacher in this research contains of:. Documentation of Formative and Summative Test. Documentation of Anecdotal Record. Documentation of Activity Out of School. Self and Mini research paper example. Portfolio assessment can be used for many necessities.
Although there are some Strength of portfolio assessment have been extolled in a number of sources, but it also has weakness, they are:. Portfolios can fail if objectives are not clear, if guidelines are not given to students, or if systematic periodic review and feedback are not present.
CHAPTER III. This research is conducted in Ex Post Facto design. Researcher does an observation without any manipulation; just choose the class that still uses traditional assessment and the class that uses portfolio assessment.
The observation progresses at SMP N 2 Jamb lang. The design of this research can be seen at the table bellow:. Table 3. Independent Variable. Dependent Variable. Source: Furchan X : The using of portfolio assessment that have been run. According to Arikuntopopulation is all of the subjects who are connected to the research. Gay gives clearer definition of population that is the group of interest to the researcher, the group to which she or he would like the results of the study to be generalizable.
Population at this research is the 1 st class of students of SMP N 2 Jamb lang. Source: TU SMP N 2 Jamb lang, mini research paper example. Sample is a number of individuals for a study in such a way that the individuals represent the larger group from which they were selected Arikunto, In this research, the sample is selecting by using clustered random sampling. The steps to select the sample are arranged as mini research paper example. To step up the credibility of ex post facto design should be used criteria to choose the sample in Furchan, mini research paper example the following:.
Have the same English teacher with the first group. Given the same material with the first group. Given the same process of learning except the process of assessment. Find that the classes are normally distributed, have homogeny variances, and have the same class average of English ability.
To get this data, researcher asked the document of first English daily test score to the teacher then found mean and standard deviation of each class. To find the normal distribution of the classes, researcher uses Lilliefors Test. The steps are arranged as bellow:.
My Step by Step Guide to Writing a Research Paper

Scientific Research Paper Example. We have discussed several elements of research papers through examples. Abstract! Research Proposal! Introduction in Research Paper! Read on to move towards advanced versions of information. Scientific research paper. Let's have a look at the template and an example to elaborate concepts. It includes: Abstract a guideline to write mini-paper/research paper on topics related to international construction INTRODUCTION State the research question you are trying to answer Sample Mini-Research Papers. Introduction to Social Work Sample Mini-Research Papers. (Return to Introduction to Social Work Main Page) Outstanding Paper Example. Excellent Paper Example1. Excellent Paper Example 2. Very Good Example 1. Very Good Example 2. Very Good Example 3
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