Monday, April 26, 2021

Final portfolio reflective essay

Final portfolio reflective essay

final portfolio reflective essay

Final Portfolio "18 year olds go into college and are expected to pick a career to study, and participate in for the rest of our lives. Three months before, they had to ask to go to the bathroom." -Reddit User obscurethestorm. When I did my reflective essay for the quarter, I decided to do mine in the form of a letter to my parents Final Portfolio Reflective Analysis Reflective Essay. Writing is an important process which allows you to communicate professionally and academically, in an effective manner. Therefore, when writing it can be applied to any situation. It is best described when you Reflection About Portfolio. Words5 Pages. Portfolio My Portfolio is composed of many masterpiece’s of invaluable strength. From my weak first essay to my last, you can see my writing skills increasing while reading an intuitive piece. Over the year my view on how I should go into writing a paper has changed dramatically for the greater good. Paperrater,, and Peers gave me

Reflective Essay | Final Portfolio

Among the many class I have taken for my first quarter of college, english is probably the most different from those that I took in high school. English was a whole different story, the techniques and ideas I learned this final portfolio reflective essay all helped to change my way of thinking and of learning.

One of the biggest changes for me, like I said earlier, was that we were no longer reading books or short stories. Instead we were reading scholarly essays or articles in magazines, final portfolio reflective essay. I think that reading these essays like this instead of literature like I would normally read will really help me in the long run, final portfolio reflective essay.

I feel like a lot of college is reading essays and then using critical inquiry to take those essays and put them into your own work so that you can improve and support your essays. Even though it was my biggest change, i feel like it was the best change that could have happened in my education.

Fan Fiction is this thing online where people take movies or books or tv shows that they like and then create new stories involving the characters and the settings, sometimes inserting their own characters. It was an area of the internet that seemed weird and off putting to me, but after the first day of class I figured that I would have to get close to it because I was going to be writing my first essay all about fan fiction and the community that surrounds it.

You guys wont believe some of the weird stuff that I read on FanFiction. Netsome of it just confusing and some of it disgusting. However along with the weird and gross there was plenty of harmless and even kind of good fan fiction out there to be read. The thing we learned about fan fiction was the community surrounding it was one of the most positive I had ever seen on the web.

The people all supported each others writing and encouraged them to keep writing and improving their story. There were no death threats or angry arguments between readers, it seemed like they all wanted to enjoy their time and content instead of hate it. That community helped me focus my essay onto comparing the fan fiction community to the rest of the community to some other communities on the internet, and I feel like those comparisons helped in my second essay involving controversy in internet communities.

Speaking of communities, this quarter I learned that not everything we think is a community is actually a community final portfolio reflective essay to James Paul Gee.

These places all have portals that allow you access the space and generators that create things in the space. It was ideas like affinity spaces and things like contact zones that are all completely new to me. This class has been full of interesting ways to look at what seems like mundane ideas like the idea of a community and completely change ways of how you look at them.

The essays we have read and the ideas we have shared and considered are all interesting and I feel like even though I might have been able to manage without some of them, in the long run they will all come in handy at some point. One of the biggest grades in this class is the essays that you do over the quarter.

You have to do two of them and they each have a certain subject or theme. The first one had to do with Fan Fiction, but the second one could be about any community you wanted as long as you involved affinity spaces with it. The essays were a new thing to me, they were inductive essays instead of deductive. The essays we did back in high school were more about you have a definite answer now back your answer up. It was definitely a new experience final portfolio reflective essay me and I think that it was sort of a fun thing to learn, final portfolio reflective essay.

I had never really written anything like this before, not having a definitive answer was definitely hard for me, but I think that its something that I am going to be using a lot as an english major so learning it now will definitely help. I just feel like if I could go back to that first essay now, I would have improved so much more after all that I have learned. I am just going to take what I learned in this class and translate it into the future essays I write. Throughout the quarter we learned a ton of different techniques to help improve the way we write essays.

In this class I wrote my first ever abstract in this class which is basically a very brief and objective summary that comes at the beginning of a scholarly essay. However there are 2 things that I specifically will take away from this class after the quarter ends.

One of those 2 things is a technique called an evolving thesis. Which basically means you start with one thesis and by the end of your paper it has evolved over time, final portfolio reflective essay. Take my second essay as an example. I changed it also from the anonymity to the interesting ideas presented are the cause. Having the technique to be able to use evolving thesis will come in handy in my future classes as a writer, final portfolio reflective essay. I actually gave you an example of one of those earlier in the paragraph.

Citation packages are a way of presenting citations where you set up the reasoning behind the citation, give the citation, final portfolio reflective essay, and then explain what the citation means. I explained what an evolving thesis was, final portfolio reflective essay, then I gave my quotes as an example of an evolving thesis, and then I explained how that was an evolving thesis.

Just there was an example of how I am already taking the technique of citation packages and bringing into my future writings. Out of the many techniques I learned while in english those are some that will help me further my career as a creative writer. Outside of class was also a new experience for me.

As you both know I lived in Portland on my own over the summer, final portfolio reflective essay, so i had some sort of idea of how to take care of myself.

However in Portland I was a lot more alone than at college. Now that I am up here in college surrounded by kids my age, Final portfolio reflective essay am having a completely different experience. Heck I am writing this at 7 in the morning before it final portfolio reflective essay due. Thats the habit that I need to break. My habit of constantly procrastinating my work and waiting to the last minute for everything.

I think that if i would procrastinate less then my work might improve just a tad. I mean i feel like I am doing good work but i could be doing great work if i just took the time to do it earlier than staying up all night just to get what I need to get done finished right before class time. Even compared to high school though, I have gotten a lot better about procrastinating, I manage to do my math homework everyday before class, and on a lot of my assignments for english and i get them done at a reasonable time.

It is mostly just the essays that i seem to put off forever and in college that needs to change. I think that with a little work i final portfolio reflective essay make that change.

For the last two and a half months I have been on my own up in bellingham. Going to class everyday and learning a ton of new ideas that I never would have gotten if I final portfolio reflective essay home and did nothing, final portfolio reflective essay, so I am pretty happy about that.

Sure I miss home a little but I feel like I have gained a ton from being up here and am glad I made this choice. English has helped a lot with setting the base of my future writing career and even though a lot of the concepts and Ideas are new to me, the more I work with them, the easier they become.

I feel like college was the right choice and english was the right class to take. I am excited for the years to come and look forward to seeing you soon. Final portfolio reflective essay I did my reflective essay for the quarter, final portfolio reflective essay, I decided to do mine in the form of a letter to my parents explaining some of what I did and learned in english I also talked about some challenges and lessons I have learned outside of the classroom.

The reason I chose to do this as a letter to my parents is that I had done a letter like this in my high school rhetoric and communications class, so I was already familiar with this time of writing specifically. Another reason I chose this was that I felt like I was more comfortable writing it to my parents because they had never take this class.

When I was explaining the different things I had learned in this class like citation packages and evolving thesis, It made more sense for me to explain these different techniques to my parents instead of myself from the past. Also when I was editing it and comparing it to other letters it just felt more natural to write to a third party instead of a past version of yourself. I did not feel like I had to relay events to my past self because I had lived them while my parents did had not been here, final portfolio reflective essay.

Which leads to another reason, my freshman year of college is my first time away from home so my reflective essay also helped me to explain some feelings I had on being my first time away from home making it even easier to write.

In the end the letter to my parents was just easier to write and also read and fit better with the rest of my portfolio than a letter to a past version of myself. You are commenting using your WordPress. com account. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Home About The Author Essays Presentation Essay Reflective Essay.

Search for:. Dear Mom and Dad, Among the many class I have taken for my first quarter of college, english is probably the most different from those that I took in high school. Love, Your Son, Dylan C.

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Final Portfolio - Reflective Essay

final portfolio reflective essay

Reflection About Portfolio. Words5 Pages. Portfolio My Portfolio is composed of many masterpiece’s of invaluable strength. From my weak first essay to my last, you can see my writing skills increasing while reading an intuitive piece. Over the year my view on how I should go into writing a paper has changed dramatically for the greater good. Paperrater,, and Peers gave me Final Portfolio "18 year olds go into college and are expected to pick a career to study, and participate in for the rest of our lives. Three months before, they had to ask to go to the bathroom." -Reddit User obscurethestorm. When I did my reflective essay for the quarter, I decided to do mine in the form of a letter to my parents Final Portfolio Reflective Analysis Reflective Essay. Writing is an important process which allows you to communicate professionally and academically, in an effective manner. Therefore, when writing it can be applied to any situation. It is best described when you

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